20 Things Rich Creative Business Owners (RCBO) do
From LessConf Jason Blumer
- RCBO understand the difference between freelancing and entrepreneurship
- RCBO sell knowledge
- RCBO leverage teams
- RCBO build a brand
- RCBO make time to think, write and learn
- RCBO know a lot of the right people
- RCBO recognize theire own value
- RCBO seek out coaching and mentoring
- RCBO constantly innovate new products and services
- RCBO take risks
- RCBO focus on c ustomer needs
- RCBO gain specfic knowledge
- RCBO delegate
- RCBO hire
- RCBO own
- RCBO see money as tool
- RCBO know when to protect their time
- RCBO don’t make emotional decisuons
- RCBO vet their ideas with others
- RCBO price, instead of bill